Bridal Veil False Spirea
Airy, pure white plumes Fern-like foliage remains green in colour throughout the season Astilbe 'Bridal Veil' makes an excellent cut flower, fresh or dried Bloom Time: June to July
Ivory Prince Lenten Rose
Deep pink buds open to creamy-white flowers Ivory flowers develop pink, green and rose hues that deepen with age Outward-facing long-lasting blooms on burgundy stems Attractive compact blue-green leaves Thick evergreen leaves Bloom Time: Spring Flower Height: 45 cm Foliage Height: 40 cm Flower Size: 6.5 cm
Laced Up® Elderberry
Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Formerly known as Strait Laced® elderberry Narrow upright form Feathery black foliage Pink blooms lead to black fruit if a compatible pollinator is near Bloom Time: early summer Requires Sambucus Black Lace® nearby to produce fruit
Meeker Raspberry
Rubus idaeus 'Meeker' Large dark red berries with a classic raspberry flavour Wonderful for making juice, freezing, and making jams or jellies Self-pollinating
Plantain Lily
Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Blue foliage with a wide yellow margin Margins turn creamy-white throughout the summer Pale lavender flowers Bloom Time: July to mid-August Flower Height: 40 cm Foliage Height: 35 cm Leaf Size: 15 cm x 10 cm
Red-leaved Sea Thrift
Tufts of foliage resemble turfgrass Foliage is burgundy in the spring and fall, fading to dark green in the warmer months Globe-shaped hot pink flower clusters form a layer of colour above the semi-evergreen foliage Plant will slowly spread into surrounds if soil is dry enough Bloom Time: Mid to late spring, persisting into the summer Flower Height: 40 cm
Summer Runner Euonymus
Low trailing habit Attractive glossy green leaves with yellow centres Unique light yellow stems Tiny non-showy green flowers followed by orange berries in June
Top Hat Blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosum x Vaccinium angustifolium Dwarf Small fruits on a compact plant Suitable for more ornamental landscaping use Can be grown in a container Fall leaf colour yellow-orange Ripens: Mid-season