Little Lime Punch® Panicle Hydrangea
Proven Winners® Dwarf compact habit Blooms emerge lime green in early summer Flowers change progressively from the base to the point An impressive show of white, pink and Hawaiian-punch-red late summer into fall
Everlasting® Revolution Hydrangea
Deep pink to maroon to true blue blooms depending on soil acidity Medium-green leaves are rounded with a point Compact, mounding habit Strong stems Bloom Time: May to September
Strawberry Sundae® Hydrangea
Upright, compact shrub Large conical flower heads sport pink overtones Blooms will take on a strawberry red colour as temperatures cool Green foliage Bloom Time: Summer
Fireworks® Hydrangea
Flat-topped clusters of white flowers, fertile in the centre, sterile on the edges White outer florets resemble "fireworks" Medium-green leaves are rounded with a point Upright, mounded habit Bloom Time:
Cinnamon Hearts™ Rose
Fragrant true-red flowers on glossy green leaves Continuously blooms from late spring into fall Natural compact habit
Swan Lake Rose
White flowers with soft pearl-pink centres Large hybrid tea-like blooms Dark green glossy foliage Slight fragrance Bloom Time: Summer to fall Type: Climbing
At Last® Rose
Compact, dense mounding shrub rose Disease resistant leaves Fragrant, double-flowering, apricot-orange blooms Flowers fade to a light pink with age
Invincibelle® Ruby Hydrangea
Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Burgundy-red buds open to a two-toned combination of bright red and silvery-pink Dark green leaves are almost round Strong rebloomer Even when weighted by rain, flower heads remain erect Bloom Time: June until frost
Plantain Lily
Miniature hosta with wavy blue-green foliage and clearly-defined wide yellow margins Lavender flowers Bloom Time: July Flower Height: 25 cm Foliage Height: 15 cm Leaf Size: 14 cm x 9 cm
Plantain Lily
Miniature Hosta Thick blue-green leaves are circled by a wide wavy yellow edge Lavender flowers Bloom Time: June to July Flower Height: 20 cm Foliage Height: 15 cm Leaf Size: 5 cm x 4 cm
Peach Lemonade® Rose
Multicoloured flowers appear at the same time from early summer until late fall Blooms emerge a vibrant yellow and slowly change to blush pink Disease resistant dark green foliage
Rainbow Knock Out® Rose
Single, coral-pink blooms with yellow centres New foliage emerges burgundy fading to dark green Compact habit and disease resistant Bloom Time: Late spring until frost Type: Shrub
Yellow Carpet Rose
Clusters of lightly fragrant, bright yellow flowers Glossy, green leaves provide colour contrast Upright, mounding habit Pest and disease resistant Bloom Time: Summer until frost Type: Ground Cover
Pink Supreme Carpet Rose
Clusters of lightly fragrant, hot pink flowers Glossy, green leaves provide colour contrast Spreading, mounding habit Pest and disease resistant Bloom Time: Summer until frost Type: Ground Cover
Lucy Irene Climbing Rose
Soft semi-double blooms Extremely hardy climbing rose Sport of 'William Baffin' climbing rose
Campfire Rose
Semi-double, yellow blossoms are edged in red and gradually turn to deep pink Blooms continuously until the first hard frost Green foliage Very disease resistant rose Bloom Time: Summer until frost Type: Shrub
Kashmir Rose
Clusters of fragrant very double red flowers Glossy green leaves on thorny stems Rounded habit Black spot and disease resistant Bloom Time: Early summer until frost Type: Shrub
Oriental Lily
Deep pink flowers with a fine white edge Upward-facing flowers on sturdy stems Very fragrant flowers Excellent cut flower Bloom Time: July to August Flower Size: 16 cm
Little Quick Fire® Hydrangea
Proven Winners® ColorChoice® White flowers turn pink later in the summer Early blooming, flowering about a month before other hydrangea Upright vase-shaped habit with dark green leaves Bloom Time: Early to late summer
Red Diamond Hydrangea
Flowers emerge in large white panicles As the season progresses they turn pink, becoming deeper in colour By fall, the blooms are raspberry-red in colour Bloom Time: July to September
Berry White® Panicle Hydrangea
Long lasting rounded flower heads White blooms emerge mid-summer, age to pink and finally red
Wee Bit Giddy® Hydrangea
Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Cross between 'Let's Dance® Rave®' and 'Cityline® Paris' Red-pink mophead blooms Dark green leaves are mildew resistant Tight, compact habit Bloom Time: late spring until frost